Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomenon

Have you ever seen a ghost entering in your room in the middle of night when the whole of the house lay dead asleep in complete darkness? And then you just think that it was a nightmare.

Well let me share you a similar experience of my sister. It was the winter and my sister woke up to ensure if my brothers were covered by the quilt. She got up from her bed and passed the quilt over my brothers and as she turned to her right, at the location of the corridor leading to the bathroom, she saw a boy like my brother dancing!!! She looked at my brother, he was asleep, she looked back at the corridor again the dancing boy. In a fraction of seconds, she saw another human figure. According to her, the figure resembled my mother when she was young and she was standing near the bathroom door with her hair all scattered over her face. At this, my sister ran to my parents room and when she told them what she had seen, my father who don't believe in ghostly things told her that it might be because of complete darkness in the whole house as on that day no light was on in the whole house. some days later my sister began to realize that it was a dream ( in fact a nightmare!) and maybe it was? God knows better!

Let me explain this. The following are the set of optical illusions explaining why people see ghosts and other  scary thing:
  •  Our eyes may be deceived. If you don't believe me look yourself at the following picture. Are the lines parallel?

  • Our eyes can create movement from nothing. Look at the following picture. You may see the figures in the picture moving slowly. Remember, its just the doing of the human brain!  
 This was a stationary picture. Nothing is moving! 
  •  The human mind can transform every object. Concentrate on the cross in the following image.  After some time, you will see that the purple dots have disappeared!

     Now some cool exercises for you!

    Look at the middle of the following picture for 45 seconds and then look at a wall. You will see someone. Do you know him?

     Post your comments if you know him!

    Thursday, 25 July 2013

    Goal Setting

    If you want to achieve something in your life, you have got to set it as your goal. Success is achieved by setting it as the goal. Remember a goal not written is just a desire.
    So whenever you are free and alone, think about your life and your aim, in short the main reason why you should be alive becomes your goal. To help you set your goals, the following tips can help you:
    1. Your goals must be definite. e.g don't set the goal to have good grade in exams but set a particular percentage or grade like A-1 or 94.8%.
    2. Aim high. Set big goals. Remember that we cannot achieve something we have never thought about. "Shoot  for the moon, even if you miss it you will bang the stars.
    3. "Think Positive" and set positive goals. Instead of thinking not to fail set your goal to pass. 
    4. Write your goals on a piece of paper and keep it with you so you won't forget them. According to a research, people who write their goals achieve success 10 times more than people who don't write them.
    5. Set deadlines for your goals. e.g you have to lose 2 kg by 3rd September 2013. 
    So set your goals as soon as possible because 

    Monday, 15 July 2013

    Honesty - The BEST Policy

    I hope most of you have heard this quote and some of you may have followed it. Well, there are really few people on this globe who succeed  without honesty.
    Let me share my experience with you. I have never cheated in my exams(believe me). Thank God my academic results have never been a disaster and my parents have always remained satisfied with what I achieved. I've worked hard honestly(never cheated) all year in my 9th grade preparing for Board and seeing my friends and classmates always cheating and asking me to show my paper to them in the examination hall. And what did I get? I got an A-1 grade at the end of long hard work.  And the best thing about it was the inner peace and happiness I got when I came to know that I've got better grades then the cheaters!
    So remember :

    "Winners never cheat & Cheaters never win"

    Friday, 12 July 2013

    Smiling - The Key to make Friends

    Whatever you are doing, wherever you are, whoever you meet, just don't forget to smile. Smiling will help you make more friends and change the glasses through which people see you. If you are some sort of person labelled as RUDE, then this is an important tip for you. If you don't believe me then try out for yourself.   
    So remember to smile!

    Tuesday, 9 July 2013