Well let me share you a similar experience of my sister. It was the winter and my sister woke up to ensure if my brothers were covered by the quilt. She got up from her bed and passed the quilt over my brothers and as she turned to her right, at the location of the corridor leading to the bathroom, she saw a boy like my brother dancing!!! She looked at my brother, he was asleep, she looked back at the corridor again the dancing boy. In a fraction of seconds, she saw another human figure. According to her, the figure resembled my mother when she was young and she was standing near the bathroom door with her hair all scattered over her face. At this, my sister ran to my parents room and when she told them what she had seen, my father who don't believe in ghostly things told her that it might be because of complete darkness in the whole house as on that day no light was on in the whole house. some days later my sister began to realize that it was a dream ( in fact a nightmare!) and maybe it was? God knows better!
Let me explain this. The following are the set of optical illusions explaining why people see ghosts and other scary thing:
- Our eyes may be deceived. If you don't believe me look yourself at the following picture. Are the lines parallel?
- Our eyes can create movement from nothing. Look at the following
picture. You may see the figures in the picture moving slowly. Remember,
its just the doing of the human brain!
- The human mind can transform every object. Concentrate on the cross in the following image. After some time, you will see that the purple dots have disappeared!
Now some cool exercises for you!
Look at the middle of the following picture for 45 seconds and then look at a wall. You will see someone. Do you know him?
Post your comments if you know him!